Facing Tradition
Facing Tradition ist das Thema meiner eigens für die Teilnahme an der Great Hat Exhibition 2018 anlässlich London Hat Week kreierten Design-Hüte und Headpieces. Inspiriert wurde ich durch Trachtenhüte meines Heimatlandes Deutschland, z. B. den Bollenhut aus dem Schwarzwald, den Schuehut aus dem Hotzenwald und der Hauben aus dem Dreiländer-Eck der Bodenseeregion (Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich).

This hat creation has been designed for the Great Hat Exhibition 2018 in London and is inspired by the "Bollenhut" from Black Forest (Gutach). Its made of velour felt, handmade woolen pompoms, pompom braid and handmade black silk ribbon.

Another headpiece created for the Great Hat Exhibition 2018 in London, inspired by the "Schü-Hut" from Black Forest (Hotzenwald), South Germany. The unusual shape is created by a special technique. For the headpiece parasisal straw and velvet ribbon have been used. Handmade vintage velvet flowers. It is fully lined and has a comb, hat elastic and velvet ribbon for the perfect fit.

This is the 3rd headpiece created for the Great Hat Exhibition 2018 in London. It is inspired by the golden bonnets (Radhauben) from Lake Constance Area (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). For the design Buckram, Tarlatan, golden braid, guipure lace and pearls have been used. The headpiece is totally lined, comes with an alice band and comb.

Picture from Press Event during LFW 18, kindly provided by X Terrace Fashion Platform

Picture from Press Event during LFW 18, kindly provided by X Terrace Fashion Platform

Picture from Press Event during LFW 18, kindly provided by X Terrace Fashion Platform

Picture from Press Event during LFW 18, kindly provided by X Terrace Fashion Platform

Picture from Press Event during LFW 18, kindly provided by X Terrace Fashion Platform
Facing Tradition
Facing Tradition is the theme of my design pieces especially created for my participation in the Great Hat Exhibition 2018 during London Hat Week. Inspiration comes from my home country Germany, the Black Forest - especially by the Bollenhut - , the Schuehut from Hotzenwald and the bonnets from Lake Constance Area (Germany, Switzerland and Austria).
Images with PINKO models have been kindly provided by X Terrace Fashion Platform, Monique Lee Hylands-White