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Afternoon Show - X Terrace London Hat We

The future and back 

'L'Ange bleu' und 'Elysion' sind die Titel meiner Designkreationen für die Teilnahme an der London Hat Week Exhibition 'The Future and Back'.


Inspiriert wurde ich durch die Schauspielerin Marlene Dietrich im Film 'Der Blaue Engel' und Faltenbeispiele in der Natur.

The future and back

'L'Ange bleu' and 'Elysion' are the are the titles of my design pieces created for my participation in the LHW Exhibition 2020 - 'The future and back' during London Hat Week

Inspired by the german actress Marlene Dietrich in the movie 'Angel' and pleats in nature.

All Photos with beautiful model have been kindly provided by XTerrace Fashion Platform, Monique Lee Hylands-White.

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